Temple Children is proud to present ‘VERSO,' a project by Miya Tsukazaki and David 'MEGGS' Hooke for 1xRun's 'Murals in the Market' festival in Eastern Market, Detroit in September 2016.
Inspired by the rich history of Detroit’s Eastern Market and its surroundings, ‘VERSO' pays homage to abandoned spaces in the city, where Mother Nature is beginning to take back. We celebrate this as the turning of the leaves and a shift in consciousness. This experiential installation reflects our ideology that in an upside down, consumer-driven society, simplicity is key. Our choices directly affect our communities and natural resources, and we aim to do so with positive action.
The wood and materials used in VERSO were found in areas surrounding Eastern Market and repurposed to create an immersion of space. We sourced plants and produce from local farmers and fed the ‘Murals in the Market’ artists and staff a home-cooked meal inspired by Eastern Market’s seasonal offerings. Our ’seed pods’ were reinstalled in places around the city and all of the plants were given away to good homes.
This was a great opportunity for us to encourage collaboration and community revitalization. Filmed by @cory.s.martin | Additional footage @selinamiles | Music by @drummerb313 | Photos by Cory Martin and Emad Rashidi @emadrashidi.